Homemade Baby Shower Centerpieces For Your Next Baby Shower

Whether you are making homemade baby showers centerpiece for the food table or the gift table, you can easily come up and create you own masterpiece. Creativity goes a long way and saves a lot of money! When you begin brainstorming centerpiece ideas, revert back to your overall theme. If the mommy-to-be is having a boy and you have a shower that focuses on all the different sports, then maybe you could have a toy wagon or Tonka truck full of toddler sport equipment. If it is a beautiful baby girl that is expected them you could Care Bears in Diapers as their pastel colors would be perfect.

For the food table, your centerpiece should be your cake, or a diaper cake. A diaper cake is a non-edible creative "cake" made of diapers with baby shower gifts attached to it. You can place it in a cake dish if you would like for an added effect. The diaper cake would look just as great on the gift table and can serve as both a gift and a centerpiece. You could also place miniature pacifiers, bottles, or carriages, (found at your local Dollar Tree), around the food table. Another cute idea for the food table include a basket lined with a clean baby receiving blanket and filled with cookies. For the final touch to the "cookie basket" add a bottle filled with pastel colored m&m's! If your theme involves rubber ducks, why not add a baby bathtub filled with punch to your food table with floating rubber ducks.

\"Baby Shower Wording\"

For the centerpiece of the guest's tables, you could use:

  • Candles shaped like baby bottles
  • Remove the nipple from baby bottles and use the base as a vase; insert fresh or artificial flowers
  • Remove the nipple from the baby bottle and insert candy
  • Styrofoam Baby Bootie Cups - these are adorable baby booties made from styrofoam cups that you can insert mints, jelly beans, etc. in.
  • Alphabet Blocks

Homemade Baby Shower Centerpieces For Your Next Baby Shower

The gift table could easily go without a centerpiece for an inexpensive baby shower as it is likely to be bright and colorful with all the wrapped gifts. As stated earlier, the diaper cake would be perfect. Other great ideas include:

  • Diaper wreath - this could also be hung on the delivery room door
  • Balloons - by themselves or attached to a diaper stuffed animal or floral arrangement
  • Floral arrangement

Making your own centerpiece is easier than you think and you will wow your guests and yourself with these great ideas.

Homemade Baby Shower Centerpieces For Your Next Baby Shower

Maleshia Cave loves sharing inexpensive baby shower ideas. Her site has step-by-step directions, with pics, for making homemade baby shower centerpieces.

Fun and Funny Baby Shower Invitations

In this day of high technology, you may not even need paper baby shower invitations. In fact, you may just prefer to call your guests and invite them over for cake and presents and call it a baby shower. But if you have the time to invest in choosing baby shower invitations, whether you make them yourself or buy them, or send them online or via snail mail, these little introductions to your baby shower can set the mood and get the party started long before the first guest arrives.

Baby Shower Invitation Inserts

\"Baby Shower Wording\"

Whether it's a map to the site of the baby shower, a picture of the new little one if he or she has already arrived, or a sticker or magnet with a 'Save the Date' message stamped on it, inserts are a fun way to make the recipient feel like they are getting their own baby shower gift.

Fun and Funny Baby Shower Invitations

Baby Shower Z Fold Invitation

This baby shower invitation unfolds like an accordion and allows the recipient 3 to 6 panels in which information may be included. These are helpful if you don't want to deal with inserts and want to make sure that all the salient information stays together.

Baby Shower Invitation RSVPs

A fun RSVP card can get the baby shower fun started when your guest lets you know that he or she will be able to share the day with you. Leave space for a 'helpful hint for the new mom' or ask them to let you know what food or drink they would like to bring if you're hosting a potluck. Don't forget to provide stamped postcards or envelopes!

Helpful Baby Shower Invitation Hints

* Send your baby shower invitations up to a month before the actual baby shower.

* Be sure that your theme is obvious by the invitation you choose.

* If you opt to design your own, keep it simple! You don't want to get too bogged down before the baby shower begins!

* Don't forget to include map to the baby shower site as well as a cell phone number where guests may get last minute assistance with directions.

* If you're technology friendly, use your email address or one of the many invitation sites to keep track of your RSVPs.

Fun and Funny Baby Shower Invitations

Jeanette Pollock is a freelance author and website owner. She publishes articles and reports in various ezines and also contributes on a regular basis to FreeNetPublishing.com [http://www.freenetpublishing.com].

Bring a Book - A Very Cool Baby Shower Idea

Build A Library

While it is no secret that reading to your children is very important in their overall development, it has also been shown that reading to the baby in utero can also be beneficial. It is never too soon to get your baby's library going and what better time and place to start this than the baby shower. By asking your guests to skip the card and instead bring along their own personal favorite children's story, they can provide something far more personal than a Hallmark.

\"Baby Shower Wording\"

What Types Of Books Should The Guests Bring?

Bring a Book - A Very Cool Baby Shower Idea

This part of the shower is entirely up to you. Some people opt for a specific theme such as nursery rhymes, or perhaps Little Golden Books. Another popular theme is Dr. Suess. If you decide to go with a theme, it might be a good idea to assign your guests a book to bring. While this can remove some of the personal touch, it can make things easier in the long run when you are not forced to run around to return the 10 copies of The Cat In The Hat that you end up with.

How Do I Ask The Guests To Bring A Book?

The invitations are the best place to make such a request. When you decide that you prefer the guests to bring a book along, it is best that you mention this as soon as possible. This is especially true for those baby showers where the guests can pick and choose what book that they want to give. This is a very personal approach and it is nice to ask the guests to put a little note in the front of the book explaining why they chose to give that particular book. Perhaps it is a story that they loved as a child, or perhaps there is a great message in the book that they feel is important to a child. Whatever the reason it is a wonderful way for the guests to give a bit of themselves in their book selection.

Bring a Book - A Very Cool Baby Shower Idea

For more specific information on how to throw a baby book baby shower please visit Bring A Book Baby Shower today. This page will provide details on favor and food ideas that will go along with your theme choice. http://thebabyshowerzone.com is a website that offers many ideas and resources to help you throw a fantastic and memorable baby shower.

Perfect Baby Shower Hostess Gifts

Picture this; you are invited to a baby shower. How do you show your appreciation for the hostess who had put the whole affair together? By giving her thank you gifts. This is the best way to show a little thanks to the person who put the whole affair together.

The demand for gifts for the hostess began when a hostess did an extraordinary job putting the baby shower together. The guests were so happy with the way the baby shower and activities were arranged that they decide to give her a small gift.

\"Baby Shower Wording\"

Now baby showers normally have decorations, food, drinks, and even games with some prizes. The hostess gifts do not have to be very costly. You could pool your resources with others and buy a lovely piece of jewelry as a gift.

Perfect Baby Shower Hostess Gifts

Every girl loves jewelry. If there are several of you purchasing gifts for the hostess together, she would be at loss for words to thank you. You could give her a lovely little pendant and/or exquisite looking tasteful earrings.

If you do not know the hostess that well you could consider getting her a gift certificate. A gift certificate is a great way to show your appreciation. With the fact that she gets her way to decide the gift she wants, she would also enjoy the shopping experience. Some popular types of gift certificates are from book stores, restaurants, spas, beauty salons, and coffee shops.

Cook books or entertaining books also make great hostess gifts. You can find a variety of unique and funky cook books. Cook books that are perfect for giving someone who obviously enjoys throwing a party. These types of books make fun gifts and the hostess will surely get a great deal of use from it.

Chocolates, flowers and wine...simply irresistible:
Some more traditional hostess gifts are things such as chocolates and wine. No doubt these gifts are sweet little tokens of appreciation. The best kinds of chocolates to receive are ones that you would normally never buy yourself. So splurge a little and find a fancy brand of chocolates in a unique box. They make for fantastic gifts for the baby shower hostess. If you are planning on giving wine, you can choose red or white, although red is more common for gifts.

Flowers are another traditional gift. You can bring a lovely bouquet with you, or even send them to her house the next day. Another great idea is a beautiful potted plant. This way the hostess can enjoy your gift for much longer than she would cut flowers. Try to find a plant which flowers occasionally, such as an African violet or Christmas cactus.

Inexpensive gifts for the hostess:
Candles are an inexpensive yet lovely idea for hostess gifts for your baby shower. These gifts will find use in almost anyone's home.

Aromatherapy candles are enjoying a great deal of popularity these days. You can include a bubble bath and body lotion in the same scent. This makes for a great gift basket that any hostess is sure to enjoy.

There are many different types of gifts for your hostess. They all make your appreciation known. The hostess of a baby shower has probably spent many hours just making sure everything is perfect for the new mom and the guests. It is no small task to undertake a party. Especially, when well over 20 people can sometimes be in attendance.

The hostess deserves her moment of glory:
The hostess and all she has done are often forgotten. Why not show her how much you have enjoyed yourself and appreciate all her hard work by giving her a hostess gift? You don't have to spend large amounts of money to purchase any of the aforementioned gifts. Some other quick ideas include picture frames, journals, guest books, and gourmet food baskets.

If you know the hostess well, use your imagination and find something unique that she will enjoy.

Please keep in mind that if there is more than one person hosting a baby shower, then you have to bring something for all of them or none of them. You could also have the baby shower at one of the hostess's house. That doesn't mean the others sharing the hosting duties have done less work. So the baby shower gifts have to be given to each of the hostesses for the invaluable work done.

Perfect Baby Shower Hostess Gifts

© Copyright Randy Wilson, All Rights Reserved.

Randy currently has websites dealing with Baby Furniture Reviews [http://www.baby-furniture-and-bedding.com/index.html] and Shaving & Hair Removal.

Have a Baby Shower After the Baby is Born!

Even if you've already had the baby that doesn't mean you can't still hold a baby shower. If anything having the baby on hand can encourage more guests to show up at the party with lots of needed gift items. Make sure to tell guests on the invitations that this is a post-delivery shower, and indicate on the invitations what items would be the most appreciated. Do be certain to tell everyone that they needn't feel obligated, especially if they already donated stuff before the baby was born and they certainly don't have to bring something from the list if they happen to have a baby item on hand just bring it on over.

Also you'll want to give your guests a little something in return for taking the time to buy or bring a needed item and coming over to celebrate. There are two ways that work best. One, you feed them some good food and two; give them a little memento of the baby to remember.

\"Baby Shower Wording\"

It's easy to make up a quick buffet of food such as cold cuts, relish dishes and a box of donuts. Drinks can be sodas, water, tea and coffee. Serve it up on baby shower themed paper supplies like napkins, tablecloth, and paper plates and it will be even easier to clean up.

Have a Baby Shower After the Baby is Born!

The memento of the baby can be something as simple as a homemade card with the baby's footprint. You can create this by pressing his or her little foot against an ink pad like they do at hospitals, and pressing it against the inside of the card. Then, you can add even more to the card by taping a photo of the baby on the opposite inside face of the card. These make great party favors to give to the guests, especially if most of them will be close family.

Have a Baby Shower After the Baby is Born!

Mrs. Party... Gail Leino takes a common sense approach to planning and organizing events, celebrations and holiday parties with unique ideas for baby shower party supplies and fun free educational party games. She explains proper etiquette and living a healthy life while also teaching organizational skills and fun facts. The Party Supplies Shop has lots of party ideas with hundreds of free holiday printable games and free birthday party activities. Over 100 adorable Party Themes to fit your birthday celebration, holiday event, or "just because" parties is at the Party Theme Shop. Party themes include cartoon characters, sports, movie, TV shows, luau, western, holidays, and unique crazy fun theme ideas.

Baby Shower Program Ideas

Sit back and relax while reading this article about planning a baby shower and having it done the most organized way possible.

Traditionally, to arrange baby shower programs have been given by anybody close to the mom-to-be, like Grandmothers-to-be, cousins, friends, co-workers or any other next of kin to mom. Sometimes more than one host will give the shower to defray costs and responsibilities.

\"Baby Shower Wording\"

- Who should be invited to the shower

Baby Shower Program Ideas

The mother-to-be should be the one to choose the guest list as it is her day. If the shower is to surprise her , a close relative or friend should help plan the list. Actually anyone who is close to the mom-to-be, cousins, friends, Grandmothers-to-be and other relatives are invited to help celebrate the new arrival. (Friends of dad usually do't attend the party it depends on the father-to-be if he prefers.)

- When should the shower be held?

Traditionally baby showers are held in the last trimester in the mother-to-'s pregnancy stage, 6-8 weeks before the due date. Showers may also be held after the baby is born. Some people prefer rather to have a post partum baby shower so they can get personalized baby gifts and given and the correct size and color. Another reason is because everybody can meet the newborn, who is actually part of the party.

- Invitations

A written invitation is the best way to inform people about the shower. It contains all the specifics they need to know to plan and to fit it into their schedule.

- who the baby shower program is being given for,
- location
- address
- time
- host/hosts name
- a deadline for RSVP and where to mail it to
- girl or boy, only if mom-to-be wishes the information

shared and gift registry information,
- Direction to the baby shower
- Food Served at the Baby Shower

Finger food is usually served

punch and sodas are most common drinks at the party

As a respect for the mom-to-be alcohol is not served

Thank You Note Drawing

As guests arrive to the baby shower, they fill out envelopes with their name and addresses and place them in a basket. Later the mom-to-be draws out an envelope for the winner of the door prize. The mom-to-be then can use the envelopes when mailing out her thank you notes later. We hope you will enjoy all this information. Now you can gear up and start planning on your next baby shower, congratulations!

Baby Shower Program Ideas


Sample Baby Shower Invitations

Birth of a baby has an emotional and an exciting significance for all couples journeying towards parenthood. Friends, colleagues, and relatives usually throw baby shower parties for expecting mothers. Baby shower invitation cards are purchased to invite them along with their relatives. There are various samples of baby shower invitations that help people select a suitable baby shower invitation card. People may also order them from local gift stores with their choice of words and designs.

There are various themes for baby showers, that can be used to design or order baby shower invitations. The invitations need to reflect the theme of the celebration. It can be a floral decoration, famous cartoon figures, or a picture of a baby with balloons, diapers, baby bottles, pacifiers, or teddy bears.

\"Baby Shower Wording\"

The sample baby shower invitations can also include the mother's personal preference of colors, and favorite flowers. The words on sample baby shower invitations can be in a poetic form or just a simple gesture to invite people. It includes name of parents, venue, the date and time of the celebration. The quotations are either picked from other cards or are made by the parents. The cards are mostly ordered with the chosen designs on the front part of the card. People usually love to have a photo of a baby and their thoughts beside it. The guests are invited with famous jingles that are modified or changed, to form an interesting invitation.

Sample Baby Shower Invitations

The invitations cards can also be based on a theme and can have interesting shapes and designs like balloons, diapers, baby bottles, pacifiers, or teddy bears. These days, there are many websites that offer ideas as well as products specifically for baby showers. They help in giving people ideas, to make hand made invitation cards.

Samples of baby shower invitations basically depict the joy, and importance of a baby for everyone. Guests too rejoice the occasion, sharing the couple's happiness in welcoming the baby.

Sample Baby Shower Invitations

Baby Shower Invitations provides detailed information on Baby Shower Invitations, Printable Baby Shower Invitations, Free Baby Shower Invitations, Baby Shower Invitation Wording and more. Baby Shower Invitations is affiliated with Baby Shower Decorations.

Baby Shower Games - Baby Shower Pictionary Word List

A baby shower isn't a baby shower until you've played a few fun games. However, some moms-to-be may feel embarrassed by some games, and some guests may feel awkward doing things such as smelling melted chocolate out of diapers. Don't fret! You can still have a ton of fun with some traditional games such as Pictionary, that can be customized for a baby shower. This is a classic game of guess what was drawn - and can be played by everyone attending the party.

The rules to play are simple. Divide the group into two or more teams and have ready a list of baby themed words on index cards or small pieces of paper. Have the mom-to-be draw a card from the deck and give it to each team. Each team picks someone to draw for them. Let each team take timed turns trying to guess what was drawn. A correct answer scores the team a point and you can choose how many rounds to play.

\"Baby Shower Wording\"

What will you need for baby pictionary? Besides a list of words on index cards, you will need an easel, a large pad of drawing paper and markers. Alternatively, you could use a dry erase board and markers as well. If you choose to use a large pad of drawing paper, you could give this to the mom-to-be as a memento for the day.

Baby Shower Games - Baby Shower Pictionary Word List

The hardest part of the game is deciding what words you will use for pictionary. You can choose baby related words such as: baby bottle, pacifier, diapers, crying, onsises, burping, spit up, bibs, rattle, ABC blocks, teddy bear, blankets, or rubber ducky. You can also use baby furniture words such as high chair, crib, stroller, car seat, baby bath, sling, bouncy seat, swing, diaper bag.

Pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood words are also good for this and can invoke a lot of laughs from your guests. Words such as sore nipples, sleepless nights, maternity bras, breast feeding, bottle feeding, caravan, pushing, swollen feet, epidural, hospital gown, labor, crowing, cutting the cord, heart burn and stretch marks.

You can also use words that are related to the parents. Use words that relate to their occupations, how they met, pet names, food the mom craved, favorite places to go, favorite movie, or something funny that happened during the pregnancy. Pick out words that will be meaningful to the parents and that are sure to invoke a laugh from your guests and you will have a fun baby pictionary game that everyone will remember. Don't forget the door prizes too, a successful baby shower game always includes prizes! You could give the winning team small items such as keychains, chocolate, compact mirrors or pretty baby shower candles for a unique memento.

Baby Shower Games - Baby Shower Pictionary Word List

Erica Tevis is the owner of Little Things Baby. Since 2003 Little Things Baby has been the web's leading source for baby shower favors, decorations, themes, gifts and supplies for showers.